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Serving providers of home care in Missouri
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February 11, 2025

Regional Map

There are seven regional healthcare coalitions in Missouri as denoted in the attached map. These healthcare coalitions consist of various healthcare and emergency management partners including hospitals, emergency medical services, public health and emergency management, at minimum. They meet monthly for collaborative planning and preparedness activities, as well as sponsor trainings and joint exercises. The attached map provides a contact person for each of the seven healthcare coalitions who can provide more information about the respective healthcare coalitions and how to engage.

Emergency Regional Map of Missouri

Regional Healthcare Coalition Contacts:

Region A:
Erin Lynch, Mid-America
Regional Council

Region B, D, E, F & H:
Jackie Gatz, Missouri Hospital Association

Region C:
Dale Chambers, St. Louis Area Regional Response System

Emergency Preparedness Rule as a Condition of Participation effective November 16, 2017:

Click Here for information regarding the new rule

Emergency Preparedness Training:

Click Here to order the Home Health Care & Hospice Emergency Disaster Workbook & The Disaster Preparedness Toolkit

Click Here to order the Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare & Medicaid Participating Home Health & Hospice Providers Six Part Webinar Recording
You must use the state-supplied discount code to secure the special rate of $399 for the series. Please contact MAHC (573) 634-7772 for that code if you are a member.